Keep It Simple: Your Author Website

Keeping Your Site As Simple As Possible:

When it comes to your author site there can often be a HUGE temptation to use a free solution like Wix, Blogger or

Please do not do this.

Please also try to avoid paid “prefab” solutions like various drag/drop sites. (Square Space to name just one).  The reason for this is because most of them have not been built with the sort of marketing elements you’ll need to succeed.  If you’re already on one of these platforms then I’d suggest to have a 2nd site based on WordPress (.org as in the software install not the freebie)

As counter intuitive as it may seem, embracing the very limited learning curve will actually simplify your life rather than complicate it.  The reason for this is because 60%+ of the internet runs on WordPress there are TONS of drag/drop/copy/paste solutions at your finger tips.

Even better, you can be up and running with exactly what you need for oh so little!

Setting Up Your WordPress Site:

This entire process is so simple & so common it’s not really worth spending a ton of time making a bunch of videos on it.  Therefore, I’ve linked to a fantastic tutorial on YouTube

All you need to make this work are:

  1. A Domain Name
  2. Hosting

Most of the time you can get both of these in the same place.  I like NameCheap for my domains.   Because we run about a billion high traffic sites I have a private hosting company but if you’re just running a few you can get away with anyone.  BlueHost, HostGator

This video literally takes you through the entire process (and it’s great!)

If you’re already set up with a self hosted wordpress based site then you can move on to the rest of the stuff!